Showing posts with label CONTACT ME. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CONTACT ME. Show all posts

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg To Introduce A Dislike Button in FACEBOOK

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently announced that the company is finally working on a much-desired feature: a “dislike” button. According to Zuckerberg, this feature has long been one of those most-requested by the Facebook audience.
Facebook, pressed for years by users to add a “dislike” button, says it is working on the feature and will be testing it soon.
“We’ve finally heard you,” CEO and founder Mark Zuckerberg told a public town hall meeting in Facebook’s hometown of Menlo Park, California.

Facebook To Release A “Dislike” Button
Mark Zuckerberg Announced Release Of The "Dislike" Button

A question submitted online by a user asked the oft-repeated question of why there were no buttons along the lines of “I’m sorry”, “interesting” or “dislike” in addition to the classic thumbs-up “like” button, through which users show their support for posts from friends, stars and brands on the social network.
“Probably hundreds of people have asked about this, and today is a special day because today is the day where I actually get to say we are working on it and are very close to shipping a test of it,” Zuckerberg said.
“It took us a while to get here, because we do not want to turn Facebook into a forum where people are voting up or down on people’s posts. That does not seem like the kind of community that we want to create.”

Facebook To Release A “Dislike” Button
Facebook Release "Dislike" Button

He said he understood that it was awkward to click “like” on a post about events such as a death in the family or the current refugee crisis and that there should be a better way for users to “express that they understand and that they relate to you.”
“We have been working on this for a while, actually. “It is surprisingly complicated to make,” Zuckerberg added.
“But we have an idea that we think we are getting ready to test soon, and depending on how that goes, we will roll it out more broadly.”

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


The coming mca of UTAWALA Ward

One may mistakenly have confused him to the current MCa in UTAWALA for his great work he is really doing to the residents.

Hon Patrick karani is a man of little words humble and hard working man whose main agendas is to see the people around him live a happy life.
due to the work he has already done and is still doing right a way.Any man even if blinded up by the political affluence would really crown him a king of their region in any chance.
most say that their have never met hero's but meet this hero very well renown by the residents of UTAWALA ward.


Hon Karani was born in 1985 at Pumwani Hospital to a mother who was a house maker and a father who was an Administration Police (AP) Officer. He spent most of his early years with the less privileged in the society. Most importantly, being a son of a police officer, Karani spend most of his young days in administration police camps. He, therefore, understands the needs of the people of Utawala and especially the members of disciplined forces. From his early days in school leadership skills were noticeable and he led fellow students and served the position of school captain in High school.
It clearly shows that this great man had qualities of leadership since she was young.

Hon Karani is among the few Certified Financial Analysts in Kenya at 30 years. He holds two Diplomas in business Management and also in IT. Further, Hon Karani is a graduate in  B.A Political Science and Economics from the University of Nairobi. Karani has a Master’s of Science in Agriculture and Rural development from the Kenya Methodist University. Clearly, if it is about the right skills, then no other aspirant matches Hon Karani.
While at the University of Nairobi, Hon Karani was elected as a Student Leader representing the Main Campus. One of his achievements was to compel the Students Welfare Authority to allow students to cook their food because the university food was sub-standard, a practice which is still in place today. He used the position to sort out the issues his fellow students in campus faced and up-to-date his leadership record at the institution stands.

Hon.patrick karani has achieved a lot for more of his story click here.... 

what has Hon karani done.achievements.

who said we can exhaust what the upcoming mca utawala ward has done??he has done much it can never be put down on writing.
we will highlight some of his achievements here
Hon Karani believes that the young people are the leaders of today. He represents the youths in National Youth Council since 2009. Currently, Karani is the Director of Budget in Meru county. He is also the Patron of Utawala Youth Forum and the founder of Job creation movement that aims at empowering women and the youth. Early this year he launched a project called Poverty Prison Break where he has been assisting jobless youths from Utawala to venture into agribusiness by renting a farm in Aberdares where they are now self-employed.
Hon Karani with Agribusiness Investors visiting the farm he has hired for Utawala Youths to sustain themselves in Aberdares
In Utawala ward, Hon Karani has involved himself in various activities that have over time gotten him to be the resident’s favorite and their ‘mheshimiwa’. He has been giving Milk ATM’s to groups to start getting some income and this has so far proved successful and scalable.
Hon Karani has also helped the youth, women and people living with disabilities in registering companies to qualify for tender supply to government entities. In particular, he has assisted them to get tenders from some of the government departments such as KPLC, REA and Meru County. This has given many youths, women and people living with disabilities a source of income and employment thanks to Karani’s passion for empowering marginalized groups.
Hon Karani acquired a donkey for Utawala Youth to sell water in their area and make a living. He has also given youths a car to operate as a Taxi. Further to that, for the youths with formal employ-ability skills, Hon Karani has sought employment for them. He simply has a big and generous heart and is always ready to help his people to better their lives.
Hon Karani has also been protective of youths arrested mistakenly or on petty offenses and has been quick to secure their release and equip them with skills that can bring them money. Karani has also been involved in numerous fundraisers to support welfare of the residents such as churches, raising school fees, medical bills among others.

This info is courtesy of:the and Hon.karani patrick

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