Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 30, 2018


*_Education is a vital component in generational change and community empowerment.. It's the greatest equaliser_*
*Making Meru Great* is a noble task that should be cultivated in all spheres;not only in Agriculture sector but also in other sectors including education, which is the most vital of all for generations to come!
Today marks a full end of one academic year,with many students from Meru county being forced to differ their studies for the second time. Have come across hundred students, and many parents complaining of the bursary Kitty which  was meant to benefit both secondary and university students way back from January.
To my observations, the County government of Meru has really neglected the tertiary education and is investing in other unproductive programmes. It's only a proper education that we shall be able to handle many challenges facing our county;politically, socially and economically, without this,we're predetermined to parish as a community and generation.
Now,it's in my humble request to the county government of Meru to release the bursary funds to wards in order to rescue comrades who are at the mercies of varsity admins,and those who've already differed., pub-0000000000000000, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
It's in line of my jurisdiction to warn all the committee members who're entrusted in bursary allocation to consider the poor kids first, not withstanding if they're orphans or from single parents,transparency is a key and corruption won't be tolerated,it shall be punished by the powers enshrined in our constitution, by the people themselves;and am good at mobilisation where the common mwananchi rights counts. We shall monitor these allocations sub-ward to sub-ward.
Again I urge the executive to act swiftly and ensure these funds are disbursed latest immediately.
*Denis Muthomi- Ameru youth chairman