Tuesday, October 30, 2018


*_Education is a vital component in generational change and community empowerment.. It's the greatest equaliser_*
*Making Meru Great* is a noble task that should be cultivated in all spheres;not only in Agriculture sector but also in other sectors including education, which is the most vital of all for generations to come!
Today marks a full end of one academic year,with many students from Meru county being forced to differ their studies for the second time. Have come across hundred students, and many parents complaining of the bursary Kitty which  was meant to benefit both secondary and university students way back from January.
To my observations, the County government of Meru has really neglected the tertiary education and is investing in other unproductive programmes. It's only a proper education that we shall be able to handle many challenges facing our county;politically, socially and economically, without this,we're predetermined to parish as a community and generation.
Now,it's in my humble request to the county government of Meru to release the bursary funds to wards in order to rescue comrades who are at the mercies of varsity admins,and those who've already differed.
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It's in line of my jurisdiction to warn all the committee members who're entrusted in bursary allocation to consider the poor kids first, not withstanding if they're orphans or from single parents,transparency is a key and corruption won't be tolerated,it shall be punished by the powers enshrined in our constitution, by the people themselves;and am good at mobilisation where the common mwananchi rights counts. We shall monitor these allocations sub-ward to sub-ward.
Again I urge the executive to act swiftly and ensure these funds are disbursed latest immediately.
*Denis Muthomi- Ameru youth chairman

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Comments on @UKenyatta's wall ......Kenyans

Comments on @UKenyatta's wall

Bitie Sumukwo: You can as well tax our clitoris basing on sizes…nugu

Cecilia Muiruri : So, you have decided to show us the middle finger this early morning by signing a bill that was passed shoddily. This is broad daylight theft!

Stella Muriithi: Sorry it’s too late now. We don’t believe in you anymore. Nothing you say will make us trust in you again. You are dead to most of us.

Stanley Muriuki I saw an article cancer has started eating this guy..I voted for you but may you rest in peace..nuguuu

Kim Chon Un : Look at that group of the greedy,, may the witches of kitui strike that room with lightning, diahrohea and a serious leprosy

James Wachira Gikonyo: The way you had your foot soldiers rig parliament votes yesterday is the same way you rigged in the presidential elections.

Ishmael Nyabuto : An hour of reckoning is on the way , hell has broken loose and a big hurricane is just around.Tax and more tax dozens will die of hunger statistics have it that way.
#hata hewa tutalipia soon

Allan Ngetich Chichi : So you just completed stealing China’s money. Now its time to start stealing directly from mwananchis’ pocket. A great shame.

Weston Kipngetich: Whichever way we look at it, you have succeeded in creating a legacy. How else will you ever forget someone who forcefully rob you in broad daylight. To cap it all he holds you upside down and shake you to get the last coin.

Peter Maiyo: You may as well increase the period of pregnancy from 9 months to 11 months if you’ve decided to increase everything, we don’t care anymore nkt

Ignitious Cheiyo : Broad daylight theft… What happened yesterday is a clear indication of how shoddy this government is. And now you have the audacity to ascent into theft?

Brian Meshack : Apart from Jelly fish you are the only animal that survives without a brain

Daniel Gathoga : Why do you keep saying reducing the VAT on fuel from from 16% to 8%? We didn’t have it before to begin with.

Daniel K. Njoroge : Who said we have targets 🎯 on development. I’m greatly disappointed. I wish I knew.

Euniz Mwix : May our good lord Judge your Government in a broad daylight like today! Our bleeding hearts shudnt be left unconsidered!

Harun Mwangi: The forest was shrinking but the trees kept voting for the axe as its handle was made of wood and they thought it was one of them.

Seans Prince: So we are being heavily taxed to pay for the money you guys steal.May you never see heaven sir!!.

Joel Akwiri: Atleast William Ruto has now gotten cash to continue with his weekly fundraising of Ksh 40M per week.
Abuga Makori :Bure kabisa. You’re a thief

Stephen Babayao Njoroge : Let them steal all the money. You’re busy telling people to join you to build your retiring city while we all suffer. It’s okay, your day is coming.

Mwangi Joshua Mbari : ya kimendero, hata humjui, make it 40% and let your people keep loot, we’re helpless may God hear our cry.


Good morning kuumia kuumia team

Monday, July 30, 2018

Mutunguru hydropower project set to benefit Meru County

The Mutunguru Hydropower Project began as a community initiative in 2004. In 2009, the project received support from the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) who donated a 26 kilowatt turbine together with a team of experts for the installation. The community on their end contributed some money and labour to build the intake, a pen stalk and a power house.
Due to lack of funds to install the power lines from 2009-2013, the community was almost giving up on the project. Through partnership, Skynotch Energy then stepped in to provide technical support. The Community Based Organization (CBO) has 1200 members spread over three locations in Igoji West Sub-County and each member represents a household.

Since the rural electrification programme already had most members connected to the grid, the idea was now to produce and sell power back to the grid. The proceeds would then benefit the community.  Skynotch was able to raise the initial capital of $50,000 for a feasibility study which was conducted and completed in 2013. The study found that the project had the capacity to produce 1.8 Megawatts if a few parameters were changed.
In 2014, another feasibility study was conducted through third party financing to pay for the consultants. The study demonstrated that they had the capacity to produce 7.8 Megawatts  with a capital investment of $18 million.  Virunga Power invested in 25% equity stake through Power Africa.

The challenge was now in bringing the 1200 members to form a public company limited by shares. Mutunguru Hydro Electric Power was registered in 2013. The 8 megawatt project from the river run off.  The business model is such that the community develop the project and manage the power. The proceeds are to be shared at agreed rates.
The community has made a number of milestones. They have acquired the necessary licencing, plans and have a tentative commercial date of August 2018. What this means is that according to the Energy Regulatory Commission, they are recognized in the project master plan to sell power back to the grid under the feeding tariff programme. The community has also initiated power purchase agreements with Kenya Power.

Recently, Mutunguru Hydroelectric Company Limited (MHCL) received a grant from the Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA) and Africa Climate Technology Centre (ACTC) to finance the Mutunguru 7.8 megawatt Small Hydro Power Project. The grant will used for providing legal support for putting up suitable community measures; financial advisory; support to lenders’ due diligence; support to environmental and social impact assessment; institutional and management capacity building.
The Kenya Climate Innovation Center (KCIC) has provided MHCL with business advisory services especially in policy support and helped in building their procurement capacity. Last year, KCIC was also instrumental in engaging legal services for Mutunguru. The hot desk facility has also been beneficial to MHCL.

courtesy kenyacic By Mercy Mumo

Monday, July 9, 2018

CENSUS JOBS Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS)


Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) is a corporate body established under the Statistics Act (2006).  It is the principal Government agency responsible for the collection, compilation, analysis, publication and dissemination of official statistical information and its custody. It also oversees the coordination, supervision and development of programmes within the National Statistical System.

Kenya National Bureau of Statistics invites applications from suitably qualified and experienced individuals with excellent credentials to fill the following temporary positions:-

If download cannot start click here

Thursday, July 5, 2018


The first Young Scientists Kenya (YSK) exhibition will take place at the KICC in Nairobi from July 5 to 6.

YSK is a Public Private Partnership (PPP) launched in July 2017, with the aim of promoting the diversity, resourcefulness and commercialisation of young students' ideas.
There will be Ninety projects that will be exhibited at the showcase in which more than 150 secondary schools will too participate.

YSK board chairman Kevit Desai noted on Monday that there is need for more vigour in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
"The age of innovation is getting lower by the day so it is important to invest in the young talent of the 21st century," Desai said and encouraged young innovators to attend the event.

Ireland ambassador Vincent O'Neill noted the importance of investing in skills and education for Kenya to grow economically.
“There's a direct link between this initiative and Kenya's future economic prosperity,” he said.
O'Neill noted that last year's winner from Ireland made a coding system to improve the next generation of computers and that the invention was partially sold to a US-based company at $5 million (Sh504 million).

He said that the embassy is committed to fostering linkages and financial aid and will sponsor Kenyan winners to visit Ireland to learn scientists.
“Winning projects will be supported so the innovators learn business principles. Intellectual properties will be defended and good ideas nurtured with the students at the center, in ways they are not going to be exploited.”


Education CS Amina Mohamed said that the STEM module is a key driver of education in Kenya and that it is mirrored in the government's vision 2030 and Big Four agenda.
Amina noted, however, that according to the 2017/18 KUCCPS placement, only 31 percent learners enrolled for STEM courses with over 55 percent in humanities.
"It is important to encourage young female students to enroll in STEM courses as only 25- 30 percent enrolled compared to 45-55 percent boys," she said,
The Minister said the event will trigger interest in the initiative

     The Education ministry as identified 102 secondary schools where further training of 372 teachers will take place to improve the quality of STEM.
The schools were each given robotic equipment worth Sh81 million as part of the project on which the government will spend Sh1.3 billion.
“Through this, we will increase uptake and expand the initiative,” she said, adding that schools will also be built.
Sanda Ojiambo, Safaricom's Head of Corporate Responsibility, pledged support while noting that a few secondary schools have access to STEM resources as they are scarce.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018



STAA wa Bongo, Nasu Abdul ‘ Diamond Platinumz’ amefanya sapraizi ya aina yake na kuwashangaza mashabiki zake baada ya kuibuka kwenye shoo ya Usiku wa Kusini ‘KusiNight’ iliyofanyika usiku wa kuamkia leo katika Ukumbi wa Dar Live, Mbagala Zakiem. Shoo iliyokuwa maalum kwa Harmonize, Diamond alishindwa kujizuia na kutoka huko alikokuwa usiku wa manane kisha kuvamia stage ya Dar Live na kugonga nyimbo mbili ikiwemo mpya aliyoshirikishwa na Harmonize, Kwangwaru huku mashabiki wakishindwa kuelewa Mond kaibukia wapi. Baada ya Diamond kuvamia jukwaa, mashabiki walilipuka kwa shangwe, akaungana na Harmonize huku shoo ikianza upya, mashabiki wakipagwa, na burudani ikanoga kwani hakuna aliyefahamu endapo Mondi angefanya Sapraizi kama hiyo. Mmanyema na Mmakonde wakaliamsha dude, haikua kazi ya kitototo. Ikumbukwe kwamba, Jukwaa la Dar Live ndilo lilianza kuonyesha njia ya mafanikio ya muziki wa Harmonize mwaka 2015 baada ya kupewa nafasi ya na Diamond ya kuimba kwenye jukwaa hilo, ndipo kipaji chake kilionekana na Mond akamchuku. Hivyo usiku wa kuamkia leo ilikuwa ni kumbukumbu muhimu kwa wawili hao kukutana tena jukwaa moja lililowakutanisha siku ya kwanza. Mbali na hivyo, iliuwa siku muhimu kwa kumbukumbu ya kipekee ya Harmonize alivyoanza safari yake ya muziki.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017



Igoji West ward is an electoral ward in Kenya. It is one of the wards in South Imenti constituency in Meru county.it comprises of Comprises Karia, Kiangua, Gakiri, Kinoro, Kiroone, Kiamweri and Nkunjumu Sub–Location of Meru County.


FROM SOME OF THE MEMBERS OF THE IGOJI WEST WARD especially the youths' they have nominated two amongst them that are claiming the seat this year.
although the sources not well confirmed as it is in one of their whats app groups one member said that its is like an MCA aspirant is supporting one of the youth representative aspirant too.
this has highly brought some differences from most of the youths especially the youths from MUTUNGURU and KINOPRO area.

Wondering who are the youth aspirants??

1. Mr. CULTURE as well known by the people (locally)

the chief campaigners told the Meru writers  the all the reasons they have to push in mr culture is that he has been with them especially in sports and in some different occasions communicating with the office of the sitting MCA (Hon. Alpha chabari Kaumbuthu) for supporting youth projects


4.MR MBUYU ( not well confirmed)



igoji west ward location and info

County Assembly Ward No.: 0292
County Assembly Ward Name: Igoji West
County Assembly Ward Population (Approx.): 20,412
County Assembly Ward Area In Sq. Km (Approx.): 43.50
County Assembly Ward Description: Comprises Karia, Kiangua, Gakiri, Kinoro, Kiroone, Kiamweri and Nkunjumu Sub–Location of Meru County

author contacts
