Saturday, June 13, 2020


Almost new Helicopter make: AgustaWestland AW119 registration: 5Y NPW belonging time Kenya Police has crashed in Meru. kithoka area.

Luckily, no casualties have been reported.

The chopper had 6 occupants including the 2 pilots. The 4 passengers were members of Eastern Regional Security Committee and were heading to Sololo, Marsabit for a meeting.They are admitted at Meru Level 5 hospital.police helicopter crashes in meru

Wednesday, May 20, 2020


It is time today to think about how you might break that competitive cycle. Here are some thoughts:

Remember that you are on the same team. Commit to playing cooperatively versus competitively. Truth is, if you go looking for evidence that your spouse is your enemy, you will find it. However, if you want to see your marriage as a team, then start looking for evidence that it could be. If you go looking, don’t minimize what you find.
Embrace differences and let them be growth opportunities. As I noted before, the body of Christ has different parts that come together in unity. Same for our marriages, we are each uniquely created individuals. Are you willing to see your spouse as a creature to whom God gave unique gifts, talents and experiences? Would you be willing to embrace and dare I say even value the way that person differs from you? You might experience your spouse in a whole new way if you do. Don’t get me wrong, differences can be a great source of frustration. This is why they present as growth opportunities if you are willing to view them as such. As a result of how my wife and I differ, I get a chance to grow in my ability to manage frustration, embrace someone who is different from me, begin to modify something about me, etc. Sound unreal? Give it a try and see.
Know that there is an adversary; it’s just not your mate. Scripture describes this adversary as roaming about like a lion waiting to devour. He is also described as a thief who is bent on robbing, killing and destroying. That is who our true enemy is, not each other.
Act more like a teammate and less like an adversary. Do you realize that teammates become really good at what they do? They work tirelessly to practice and hone their skills individually while also learning how to fit into the team. Are you willing to commit to that? Are you willing to put the effort into running the race (marathon) of your marriage to the best of your ability regardless of how the other runner shows up?
I can hear the argument already, “My spouse never (won’t/can’t/doesn’t) plays like a teammate.” Well that does complicate things, but let me challenge you that it does not mean you have to stop being the best team member you can be. As Christians we are called to run the race. We are asked to sacrifice something to pursue Christ and become like Him. So you say you can’t do that. Your situation is too unique. Your spouse is too cruel, or too distant, or too controlling, or too whatever. Well, I would agree with you that you can’t do it alone. That is precisely the point; you can’t but He can. We cannot be great teammates on our own, but we serve a God who is way bigger than the problems we face. That doesn’t mean we stop trying. It does mean that we have to keep our focus on where our true strength lies (see Philippians 4:13).
I hope these ideas are helpful to you becoming a team player in your marriage. They have been of help to me in mine. If you pursue this, there will be difficult moments but there also could be great rewards. Let me offer you the first words of encouragement as any good fan would do, “Go Team!”

Monday, September 2, 2019


At least three feared dead and others nursing injuries after a Nissan lost control and rammed into a Probox and hitting motorists at Riverside near Gulf petrol station in Meru town. (river kanyuru)

Unknown number of people are feared injured after a Nissan carrying passengers lost control ramming into motorists and Probox in Riverside, next to Gulf Petrol Station in Meru town.

Confirming the incidence North Imenti Sub-County Police Commander Robinson Mboloi said the Nissan was coming from Tuskys supermarket when it lost control.

The Nissan was said to be coming from Tuskys but as it tried joining the Meru-Nairobi highway it lost control hitting a motorcycle and Probox,” said witness on the scene, pub-0000000000000000, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Friday, November 2, 2018


Are u married or just preparing for marriage? Pls read dis:


Mummy’s boy, you are now a man. Tomorrow
you will have a new mother, a new cook and a new person to share all your secrets with. It will no longer be me but her.

Love your new mum even more than you love me. Before you walk into her arms forever, let me give you some words to guide you.

There was a day I was arguing with your father.

We were screaming, Tempers were high. I was angry and He was angry. Then I called him an idiot! He was shocked,

He looked at me asking
how dare I call him that. Immediately I started calling him idiot, fool, stupid, crazy; I called him all sort of name.

Guess what he did? He didn’t raise his hands to hit me. He just walked away, banging the door as he went out.

My Son, If your father had hit me and destroyed my eyes, how will you feel sitting here with me today? How will you regard him as your father?

Would you have been proud of him or would
you be blaming me for calling him names?

Never hit your wife! No matter the provocation
just walk away and things will be normal.

Whenever she offends you, think of this story I
just told you, it could have been your mum!

After he left, I was filled with guilt. We slept on same bed that night and I went to him the next day.

I pleaded with him, I did all I could to show am sorry and he forgave me. That day I cooked his favourite food, yes you know he loves Pounded yam & Vegetable soup right?

After that day, I never called him names, my respect for him was ten times stronger.

There is something very important you must always do, my son listen very carefully, defend your wife. When she is under pressure, stand by her. If your friends hates her, it is your duty to make them see her as a Queen. Your Uncle, I mean Uncle Yusuf, never liked me.

But Ur father was always supportive until his perception changed.

There was a day your Father was going to host the owner of his company and friends. They were three of them.

That day I was in the
kitchen cooking for them and your father went to buy drinks.

When the table was set and food was served.

Everyone started eating. Then I
remembered I did not add salt in the food. I
was embarrassed.

Your father tasted the food and looked at me. He immediately turned to the guests. He told them that he instructed his wife last month not to add salt whenever she is cooking because of some problem with his body.

He said it in a funny way and everyone laughed!

The guests understood and he asked me to
bring salt and everyone added according to their taste. He managed to eat the food without salt.

After the guest left, he went on his knees and
asked God to forgive him for lying.

Your wife is like a baby, sometimes she don’t
know what to say or do. Stand up and speak for her!

Now let me talk to you about Sex. You see Sex
is a wonderful thing.

Do not be surprised if your wife enjoy and need Sex more than you do.

There were days, I needed Sex more than your father and there were days he needed it more than me but the important thing is to always try to satisfy the other when they need you.

Don’t always think of your self.

There was a time things were hard and I
needed to do two jobs to support your father.
One night I was so tired. When I got to bed he was in the mood. He try to make love to me and I didn’t refuse him. I was tired but I felt I needed to be there when he needs me.

When he tried undressing me, he saw my look and he stopped. He asked what was wrong and I said nothing. But he understand me better.
He stopped and then started telling me stories until I fell asleep.

My son, Sex is best enjoyed when the two
parties are physically and mentally ready for it.

Sometimes, read your wife and understand her.

Make it a habit to go anywhere with your wife. Beside your job, move around with her.

If anyone invite you to his house and told you not to come with your wife then be very careful.
Use wisdom.

I know you love mummy… I know you will tell me all your problems. But now things will be different.

Let your wife be the first to know before me. Let her be the first to see before me.

When you have problems with her don’t run to me immediately.

Wait for a day to pass and then talk to her about it. Pray about it.

Report her to nobody but talk issues out within yourself.

Finally, don’t forget to come and visit me with
your wife every month!

I know you will have a happy home.

You will always be mummy’s boy.

God will bless Ur
Pls don't forget God, pray & seek His
assistance always..
Why not share this post?
It May Strengthen
Someone Relationship/Marriage!
Kindly copy and share it to your Brothers and Sisters. Make sure u forward to other group, just like I did


Tuesday, October 30, 2018


*_Education is a vital component in generational change and community empowerment.. It's the greatest equaliser_*
*Making Meru Great* is a noble task that should be cultivated in all spheres;not only in Agriculture sector but also in other sectors including education, which is the most vital of all for generations to come!
Today marks a full end of one academic year,with many students from Meru county being forced to differ their studies for the second time. Have come across hundred students, and many parents complaining of the bursary Kitty which  was meant to benefit both secondary and university students way back from January.
To my observations, the County government of Meru has really neglected the tertiary education and is investing in other unproductive programmes. It's only a proper education that we shall be able to handle many challenges facing our county;politically, socially and economically, without this,we're predetermined to parish as a community and generation.
Now,it's in my humble request to the county government of Meru to release the bursary funds to wards in order to rescue comrades who are at the mercies of varsity admins,and those who've already differed., pub-0000000000000000, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
It's in line of my jurisdiction to warn all the committee members who're entrusted in bursary allocation to consider the poor kids first, not withstanding if they're orphans or from single parents,transparency is a key and corruption won't be tolerated,it shall be punished by the powers enshrined in our constitution, by the people themselves;and am good at mobilisation where the common mwananchi rights counts. We shall monitor these allocations sub-ward to sub-ward.
Again I urge the executive to act swiftly and ensure these funds are disbursed latest immediately.
*Denis Muthomi- Ameru youth chairman

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Comments on @UKenyatta's wall ......Kenyans

Comments on @UKenyatta's wall

Bitie Sumukwo: You can as well tax our clitoris basing on sizes…nugu

Cecilia Muiruri : So, you have decided to show us the middle finger this early morning by signing a bill that was passed shoddily. This is broad daylight theft!

Stella Muriithi: Sorry it’s too late now. We don’t believe in you anymore. Nothing you say will make us trust in you again. You are dead to most of us.

Stanley Muriuki I saw an article cancer has started eating this guy..I voted for you but may you rest in peace..nuguuu

Kim Chon Un : Look at that group of the greedy,, may the witches of kitui strike that room with lightning, diahrohea and a serious leprosy

James Wachira Gikonyo: The way you had your foot soldiers rig parliament votes yesterday is the same way you rigged in the presidential elections.

Ishmael Nyabuto : An hour of reckoning is on the way , hell has broken loose and a big hurricane is just around.Tax and more tax dozens will die of hunger statistics have it that way.
#hata hewa tutalipia soon

Allan Ngetich Chichi : So you just completed stealing China’s money. Now its time to start stealing directly from mwananchis’ pocket. A great shame.

Weston Kipngetich: Whichever way we look at it, you have succeeded in creating a legacy. How else will you ever forget someone who forcefully rob you in broad daylight. To cap it all he holds you upside down and shake you to get the last coin.

Peter Maiyo: You may as well increase the period of pregnancy from 9 months to 11 months if you’ve decided to increase everything, we don’t care anymore nkt

Ignitious Cheiyo : Broad daylight theft… What happened yesterday is a clear indication of how shoddy this government is. And now you have the audacity to ascent into theft?

Brian Meshack : Apart from Jelly fish you are the only animal that survives without a brain

Daniel Gathoga : Why do you keep saying reducing the VAT on fuel from from 16% to 8%? We didn’t have it before to begin with.

Daniel K. Njoroge : Who said we have targets 🎯 on development. I’m greatly disappointed. I wish I knew.

Euniz Mwix : May our good lord Judge your Government in a broad daylight like today! Our bleeding hearts shudnt be left unconsidered!

Harun Mwangi: The forest was shrinking but the trees kept voting for the axe as its handle was made of wood and they thought it was one of them.

Seans Prince: So we are being heavily taxed to pay for the money you guys steal.May you never see heaven sir!!.

Joel Akwiri: Atleast William Ruto has now gotten cash to continue with his weekly fundraising of Ksh 40M per week.
Abuga Makori :Bure kabisa. You’re a thief

Stephen Babayao Njoroge : Let them steal all the money. You’re busy telling people to join you to build your retiring city while we all suffer. It’s okay, your day is coming.

Mwangi Joshua Mbari : ya kimendero, hata humjui, make it 40% and let your people keep loot, we’re helpless may God hear our cry.


Good morning kuumia kuumia team

Monday, July 30, 2018

Mutunguru hydropower project set to benefit Meru County

The Mutunguru Hydropower Project began as a community initiative in 2004. In 2009, the project received support from the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) who donated a 26 kilowatt turbine together with a team of experts for the installation. The community on their end contributed some money and labour to build the intake, a pen stalk and a power house.
Due to lack of funds to install the power lines from 2009-2013, the community was almost giving up on the project. Through partnership, Skynotch Energy then stepped in to provide technical support. The Community Based Organization (CBO) has 1200 members spread over three locations in Igoji West Sub-County and each member represents a household.

Since the rural electrification programme already had most members connected to the grid, the idea was now to produce and sell power back to the grid. The proceeds would then benefit the community.  Skynotch was able to raise the initial capital of $50,000 for a feasibility study which was conducted and completed in 2013. The study found that the project had the capacity to produce 1.8 Megawatts if a few parameters were changed.
In 2014, another feasibility study was conducted through third party financing to pay for the consultants. The study demonstrated that they had the capacity to produce 7.8 Megawatts  with a capital investment of $18 million.  Virunga Power invested in 25% equity stake through Power Africa.

The challenge was now in bringing the 1200 members to form a public company limited by shares. Mutunguru Hydro Electric Power was registered in 2013. The 8 megawatt project from the river run off.  The business model is such that the community develop the project and manage the power. The proceeds are to be shared at agreed rates.
The community has made a number of milestones. They have acquired the necessary licencing, plans and have a tentative commercial date of August 2018. What this means is that according to the Energy Regulatory Commission, they are recognized in the project master plan to sell power back to the grid under the feeding tariff programme. The community has also initiated power purchase agreements with Kenya Power.

Recently, Mutunguru Hydroelectric Company Limited (MHCL) received a grant from the Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA) and Africa Climate Technology Centre (ACTC) to finance the Mutunguru 7.8 megawatt Small Hydro Power Project. The grant will used for providing legal support for putting up suitable community measures; financial advisory; support to lenders’ due diligence; support to environmental and social impact assessment; institutional and management capacity building.
The Kenya Climate Innovation Center (KCIC) has provided MHCL with business advisory services especially in policy support and helped in building their procurement capacity. Last year, KCIC was also instrumental in engaging legal services for Mutunguru. The hot desk facility has also been beneficial to MHCL.

courtesy kenyacic By Mercy Mumo